extensions for laravel i used in developing

1,artisan view

composer require sven/artisan-view

regisiter in config/app.php

then use php artisan make:view admin.user.index to generate views

2,laravel ide helper generator

composer require barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper

regisiter in config/app.php

then use php artisan ide-helper:generate

be sure to use it in first to connect database,in other words the web server

3,laravel debugbar

composer require barryvdh/larave-debugbar

regisiter in config/app.php

except serverprovider,the facades

Debugbar => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade::class,

Category: php | Tags: larave php | Read Count: 1426
HP Board Question Pa 说:
2022年9月01日 19:33

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Alyssa 说:
2022年12月18日 01:47

Laravel is a popular web framework for PHP, and it provides many built-in features and tools to help developers create web applications arthritis and rheumatology clinic quickly and easily. However, Laravel also has a rich ecosystem of extensions and packages that can be used to add additional functionality to your application. Thank you so much for sharing its details here.

Emma 说:
2022年12月27日 20:53

"There are many extensions that can be used to extend the functionality of the Laravel PHP framework. I have used a few of these extensions myself in developing web applications. Some of the more gout in ankle useful extensions that I have used include the following: - **Laravel debugbar**: This extension provides a debugging toolbar for Laravel applications. It is very useful for troubleshooting errors and for seeing information about the application's performance. - **Laravel IDE Helper**: This extension provides code completion for Laravel framework classes. It is very useful for quickly writing code without having to look up the syntax for the various Laravel classes. "

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